Leading the way with cannabinoid science

Dr. Caroline MacCallum

March 1, 2022

Dr. Caroline A.MacCallum MD, FRCPC, BSc Pharm is an internal medicine specialist with expertise in complex pain and cannabinoid medicine since 2013. In this episode, Dr. Caroline shares her passion for the remarkable changes she's witnessed in patient populations with complex health conditions. Her recent papers are tools for change, accessible to physicians who are struggling to learn to work with under researched plant compounds, wellness coaches, and patients looking for relief from chronic pain. She emphasizes safety and standardized protocols, alternatives to opioids, and harm reduction. 

She is a clinical instructor in the dept of Medicine; adjunct professor in the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences program, and associate member in the department of palliative care at the University of British Columbia. She is the medical director at Greenleaf Medical Clinic where she has assessed and developed cannabinoid treatment plans for more than 5,000 patients using legal medical cannabis approved by Health Canada over the past 6 years. 

She is the primary author of Practical Consideration for Medical Cannabis Administration and Dosing (European Journal of Internal Medicine in 2018), which was the first of its kind on medical cannabis dosing, and cited over 350 times. In 2021 she has published Duration of neurocognitive impairment with medical cannabis use; a scoping review (Frontiers Psychiatry), Practical strategies using medical cannabis to reduce harms associated with long term opioid use in chronic pain (Frontiers Pharmacology) and “Is medical cannabis safe for my patients?” A practical review of cannabis safety considerations (European Journal of Internal Medicine) 

She is the assistant editor for the Cannabinoids and Pain book by Springer (July 2021); and first author on nine chapters pertaining to cannabis pharmacovigilance including: mental health, youth, impairment, dosing, patient safety (contraindications & drug interactions), product safety, pain, and cannabis-opioid synergy, cannabis use disorder. Her work is available at www.safe-cannabis.com 

She is working with university research groups, provincial/national committees and stakeholders on the topics of cannabis dosing, management guidelines, clinical trials, patient registries and adverse event monitoring. 

Useful Links

Website: https://drcarolinemaccallum.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/camaccallum

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.carolinemaccallum/

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dr-caroline-maccallum

Dr.MacCallum’s publications

Dr.MacCallum’s website focused on cannabis safety 

Cannabis Product Quality Tool

A Clinical Framework for Evaluating Cannabis Product Quality and Safety Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. 2022.

"Is  medical  cannabis  safe  for  my  patients?”  A  practical  review  of  cannabis safety  considerations

Dr.MacCallum offers private medical cannabis education: 

In The Works

A Clinical Framework for Assessing Cannabis-Related Impairment Risk- June 24, 2022

To learn more about plants & your health from Colleen at LabAroma check out this informative PDF

Disclaimer: The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor if you are in need of medical care, and before making any changes to your health routine.

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